Help Fletcher Street Cottage to provide essential support to locals in need

Fletcher Street Cottage needs your help to support Byron's growing homelessness crisis. If we work together we can solve this.

Heart and hope for our homeless

Practical Relief
Community Connection
Wraparound Support

Connect with us

(02) 6685 7830

Individual Support

Personalised care and support

Community Support Workers provide individual support, information, referral and advocacy for those in need. Our partner Specialist Services include Centrelink, housing, medical care, counselling, legal aid, vet care, a hairdresser and podiatrist, amongst others.

  • Referrals
  • Service navigation
  • Advocacy
Visiting Services
Practical Support

Meeting everyday needs

We offer a healthy and delicious breakfast, access to hot showers and laundry, and additional office support. The cottage is a safe and welcoming space for support and connection to meet everyday needs.

Services - tuesday to Friday

  • Breakfast - 7am-9am
  • Hot & cold drinks - 7am-12pm
  • Amenities (showers & self-serve laundry) - 7am-12pm
  • Office support - 9am-12pm
support for vulnerable women

Women's Emergency Relief Fund

We have seen a troubling increase in women seeking our help, many fleeing domestic violence. The Women's ER program allows us to respond quickly, providing the urgent support they need.
