Christmas Message from our General Manager

Thank you to our community that has supported all that we do as a not-for-profit and charity.

September 12, 2023
Louise O'Connell
Christmas Message from our General Manager

Seasons greetings! Thank you to our community that has supported all that the Byron Community Centre does as a not-for-profit and charity.

Our social enterprises of Byron Theatre, Byron Spaces and Byron Markets have been hard hit by COVID and floods, but we are seeing them bounce back, which gives us great hope for 2023. Each time you book a ticket to Byron Theatre, hire a meeting space or buy something at Byron Markets, you are helping our community.

Fletcher Street Cottage opened this year, and thanks to the generosity of our donors and supporters, we now have a one-stop drop in centre for those at risk or experiencing homelessness. We as a community should be so proud of this local response to local need.

From the beating heart of Byron, we wish you a happy festive season and look forward to connecting with you in 2023!