Gifts in Wills

Leave a gift in your will to support vital services and a lasting legacy for the Byron community

The Byron Community Centre sustains essential community services, events and programs. Leaving a bequest will continue to create lasting impact, helping future generations and ensuring the Byron community thrives for years to come. Leave a legacy that fosters a stronger, more inclusive future for all.

Leaving a gift in your will to the Byron Community Centre is a tangible way to support our local community, through a trusted local organisation. It is an opportunity to make a donation far greater than one we may be able to make during our lifetime.

Louise O'Connell, General Manager, Byron Community Centre

Crucial programs for vulnerable locals

Sustaining Essential Services

By making a bequest to the Byron Community Centre, you are helping to sustain critical services such as meals, advocacy and support for vulnerable individuals and families, including those experiencing homelessness or financial hardship. These programs offer a lifeline, helping individuals regain stability and dignity. Your contribution ensures that these services can continue to grow and respond to the evolving needs of the Byron community, allowing vulnerable members to receive ongoing, life-changing support.

Leave a lasting impact through a bequest

Creating a Lasting Legacy

A bequest in your will allows you to create a legacy that will continue to benefit the Byron community long after your lifetime. By contributing to the Byron Community Centre, your gift is strategically invested, generating long-term returns that fund essential community services. This means your gift will have an enduring impact, supporting local programs and initiatives well into the future. With a bequest, you’re not just making a one-time contribution, you’re ensuring that the vital work of the Byron Community Centre can thrive for years to come.

Invest in a thriving, inclusive Byron future

Building a Stronger Community

A gift in your will helps create a vibrant, inclusive community by supporting programs that bring people together. Whether it’s cultural events, seniors programs or support services, the Byron Community Centre fosters a sense of belonging and connection. By making a bequest, you’re helping to build a resilient community where everyone - from youth to seniors - can access support and opportunities. Your investment promotes a future where Byron thrives socially, culturally and economically, ensuring a more connected and supportive environment for all.

Key Partners & Collaborators

Who we worked with to help make this project a success

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Give the gift of tomorrow. Make a bequest to the Byron Community Centre today and leave a lasting legacy that supports our community for generations.