Torren Martyn & Simon Jones - The Ugly Duckling

A short film and Q&A featuring Torren Martyn & Simon Jones presented by needessentials

Event Info

needessentials will be presenting 'The Ugly Duckling' at the Byron Cinema on Wednesday the 5th of June. Torren Martyn and Simon Jones will be at the premiere to discuss their surfer/shaper relationship, surfboard design and the Calypte voyage.

When Torren Martyn and Aiyana Powell put out the message that they might need an experienced hand to guide the 35ft sailing boat Calypte up the Malacca Strait and around to Sumatra, sailor and filmmaker Kelly Foote offered to help. While showing Torren and Aiyana the ropes, Kelly started filming and a story emerged: surfboard shaper Simon Jones and Torren had been working on a performance-focused twin fin that would work at challenging shallow reef passes and atolls. As the sailing and surfing voyage progressed, a radically different-looking take on a tried-and-true shape emerged.

'The Ugly Duckling' Is a film that gives insight into how genuine surfboard design occurs when there is a deep connection between surfer and shaper.

Proceeds from this event will be donated to to help with their work to improve the health, well being and resilience of remote communities in Indonesia.

Event Details

6:00 pm - Venue Doors and Bar opens

6:40 pm - Theatre Doors open

7:00 pm - Event begins

9:00 pm - Event ends

Box Office

69 Jonson St, Byron Bay
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10:30am – 1:30pm

(02) 6685 6807

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Event Info

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Box Office

69 Jonson St, Byron Bay
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10:30am – 1:30pm

(02) 6685 6807

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We'd love to welcome you to host your next event, show or launch at Byron Theatre. Make an enquiry and our team will connect with you and guide you through the next steps.