Edenglassie: Melissa Lucashenko in conversation with Kerry O’Brien

Presented by Byron Writers Festival

Event Info

Byron Writers Festival is thrilled to present award-winning Bundjalung author, Melissa Lucashenko in conversation with Kerry O’Brien about her latest novel Edenglassie.

Set in Brisbane when First Nations people still outnumber the colonists, Edenglassie tells two extraordinary stories set five generations apart. In this brilliant epic, Lucashenko torches Queensland’s colonial myths, while reimagining an Australian future.

About Edenglassie

When Mulanyin meets the beautiful Nita in Edenglassie, their saltwater people still outnumber the British. As colonial unrest peaks, Mulanyin dreams of taking his bride home to Yugambeh Country, but his plans for independence collide with white justice.

Two centuries later, fiery activist Winona meets Dr Johnny. Together they care for obstinate centenarian Grannie Eddie, and sparks fly, but not always in the right direction. What nobody knows is how far the legacies of the past will reach into their modern lives.

In this brilliant epic, Melissa Lucashenko torches Queensland’s colonial myths, while reimagining an Australian future.

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5:00 pm - Venue Doors and Bar opens

5:40 pm - Theatre Doors

6:00 pm - Event Begins

7:15 pm - Event Ends

Box Office

69 Jonson St, Byron Bay
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10:30am – 1:30pm

(02) 6685 6807

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Event Info

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Box Office

69 Jonson St, Byron Bay
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10:30am – 1:30pm

(02) 6685 6807

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We'd love to welcome you to host your next event, show or launch at Byron Theatre. Make an enquiry and our team will connect with you and guide you through the next steps.