Women's Emergency Relief Program

Addressing the Urgent Needs of Vulnerable Women at Fletcher Street Cottage


Fletcher Street Cottage has launched the Women's Emergency Relief Program to support the increasing number of women seeking help due to domestic violence, financial instability and homelessness. This community-funded initiative provides immediate, flexible assistance, including transport to safe locations, food vouchers and emergency camping equipment. Managed by Community Support Workers, the program swiftly addresses emergencies, ensuring vulnerable women receive timely life-saving support.

Percent Increase in Women Seeking Support
Percent of Women Accessing Services
Number of Women Visiting Fletcher Street Cottage
Percent of Homeless Sleep on Streets

We have seen a troubling increase in women seeking our help, many fleeing domestic violence. The Women's Emergency Relief Program allows us to respond quickly, providing the urgent support they need in their most critical moments.

Maddi Powell, Assistant Manager & Community Support Worker

Quick Help When Needed Most

Immediate Crisis Support

The Women's Emergency Relief Program provides immediate, flexible assistance to women in crisis offering critical resources like transport to safe locations, food vouchers and emergency camping equipment. This rapid response ensures that vulnerable women receive the support they need without delay.

Empowering Action Through Community Giving

Community-Funded Lifeline

Entirely funded by the community, this program empowers Fletcher Street Cottage to quickly address urgent needs. Domestic and family violence is one of the main reasons why people experience homelessness. The community's generosity enables us to provide life-saving support exactly when and where it's needed most.

Personalised Care for Every Situation

Tailored Assistance for Women

Managed by our dedicated Community Support Workers, the program offers personalised support, connecting women with additional resources and services. Whether it's escaping a dangerous situation or covering urgent expenses, each women receives the help that best fits her unique circumstances.

Key Partners & Collaborators

Who we worked with to help make this project a success

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Join us in providing emergency relief to vulnerable women in the Byron Bay community.