'1969 - A Year in Music'

Woodstock - The Moon Landing - Abbey Road - and more… Played live by The Honey Sliders

Event Info

The Honey Sliders are bringing the sights and sounds from 1969 back to life - live on stage, in  front of a vivid screen projection. Famously, 1969 gave us the ‘peace and love’ of Woodstock, only a month after the world stopped to watch Neil Armstrong take his giant leap onto the moon’s surface.It was the year The Beatles released their last album Abbey Road, and movies like Easy  Rider and Midnight Cowboy broke new territory and were the first of a new generation of rogue film makers.

1969 also witnessed the end of flower power as The Rolling Stones and The Hell’s  Angels raised the devil at their free concert in Altamont - all this happened while the Vietnam and cold wars raged. The Honey Sliders will play the soundtrack to these events and more, in front of a movie  projection that pulls you through space and time - right back to ‘69.

You’ll hear artists like The  Beatles, The Stones, Bob Dylan, Canned Heat, David Bowie, The Band, Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson  Airplane, The Doors, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Who, Sly and the Family Stone, Led  Zeppelin, Tony Joe White and more… The Honey Sliders are a band made up of some of the most respected musicians in Australia,  including the multiple award-winning Danny Widdicombe (The Wilson Pickers, Bernard  Fanning, Tim Rogers, Shane Nicholson), Dan Mansfield (You Am I, Gin Club), Bos Borley (Bernard Fanning, The Resin Dogs), and Ben Carstens (Mexico City).The Honey Sliders  meticulously recreate these songs that have touched the hearts of so many people around the world.

7:00 pm   - Venue doors and bar opens

7:40 pm   - Theatre doors

8:00 pm   - Set 18:45 pm   - Interval 20 minutes

9:05 pm   - Set 2

10:05 pm - Show ends

Box Office

69 Jonson St, Byron Bay
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10:30am – 1:30pm

(02) 6685 6807

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Event Info

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Box Office

69 Jonson St, Byron Bay
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
10:30am – 1:30pm

(02) 6685 6807

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We'd love to welcome you to host your next event, show or launch at Byron Theatre. Make an enquiry and our team will connect with you and guide you through the next steps.