One Year on from the Northern Rivers Flood Disaster

We reflect on the devastating impact to our community and how the Flood Relief Fund made a difference.

September 12, 2023
Kate Love
One Year on from the Northern Rivers Flood Disaster

February 28th marked the one year anniversary of the catastrophic floods that devastated our community. We remember the homes that were destroyed and the countless individuals who were impacted.

Northern Rivers Flood Relief Fund

We responded quickly by launching the 2022 Northern Rivers Flood Relief Fund, which raised over $1.73M for flood relief and recovery across the Northern Rivers region. We partnered with Northern Rivers Community Foundation to distribute 107 quick response grants of up to $10K to support local community organisations working on the ground to support those in need.

A Community Effort

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported this successful local grassroots initiative. Funds went to community and neighbourhood centres, emergency relief hubs, housing and homelessness services, support groups for domestic violence and mental health, crisis support, food pantries, environment and wildlife conservation organisations, and more.While we still have a long road to recovery, we are proud of the progress that has been made in rebuilding and supporting one another. We continue to help those affected by the floods at our homeless hub Fletcher Street Cottage and will always be here to support our community.